Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dear XBOX360,

I know that you, like all your console buddies/arch-enemies, have taken a lot of flak over the years from PC gamers such as myself, over such issues as bad ports, taking titles away from our beloved platform and the much-discussed "dumbing down games for the console 'tards".

On occasion, I have been in that camp myself.

However, I have just had an epiphany - indeed, I have realized the grand upside of your existence.

It is, simply put, the graphics.

Because for as long as you will exist as a current-generation console, your unchanging hardware will always serve as a stern arbiter for the great driving force behind graphic card (and other associated circuit boards) upgrades which is the prettiness arms-race.

Your existence is most assuredly the #1 reason why I am able to play Modern Warfare 2, Mass Effect 2 or Bioshock 2 (yay for sequels ?) on my 3-year old rig with high-end settings and not a single framerate issue.

As a firm believer that graphics have probably become good enough for (mostly) anything ever since the late nineties, it is my great pleasure to see you forcing developers to finally realize that they already have the tools to do whatever they want, to a very high standard. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's not my imagination that we are actually experiencing a slow but notable increase in game quality overall, due to the focus shifting from graphics to game design as the primary way to make a better game than the competition.

XBOX360, I salute you.



Blogger Gabriel Sandu said...

Meh. Lousy day.

1:25 AM  
Blogger Chiller said...

I don't...
I suppose it wasn't obvious enough.

2:44 AM  
Blogger Gabriel Sandu said...

Aaaah, I was about to recommend Gear Wars 1/2, TenchuZ and ... Lego Star Wars (really fun when you're with friends).

12:57 PM  
Blogger Andrei said...

Unu pe an, dar tare!

Ai dreptate cu cresterea in calitate, dar pe mine ma socheaza cat de bine pot sa arate jocurile pe console atat de vechi si cat de mare e diferenta intre un joc aparut acum cativa ani pe console si unul actual, desi ambele ruleaza pe acelasi hardware. Talk about optimisation ...

5:55 PM  

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